Virtual symposium on
Physics of Dense Suspensions
July 9-10, 2020
Sponsored by the Journal of Rheology

Meeting Organizers
The symposium will serve as a forum for presentation and discussion of recent developments in the rheo-
physics of dense suspensions. Four themed sessions will be focused on papers from the Journal of Rheology special issue: “Physics of Dense Suspensions”
Meeting discussions and pre-submitted questions and author responses will be collected and edited for publication in a future issue of the Journal of Rheology. We are now accepting question for individual papers’ discussions that can be submitted at:
Tentative Schedule
Session 1 – July 9th, 10 AM: 12:00 PM: Microscopic Interactions, measurements, models, method development
Discussion Leaders: John Brady, Jacinta Conrad and Meera Ramaswamy
10:00 – 10:05 Intro from symposium organizers
10:05 – 10:10 Theme Intro by discussion leaders
10:10 – 10:20 “Stress decomposition in LAOS of dense colloidal suspensions”, Edward Y. X. Ong, Meera Ramaswamy, Ran Niu, Neil Y. C. Lin, Abhishek Shetty, Roseanna N. Zia, Gareth H. McKinley, and Itai Cohen, Reading: JOR
10:20 – 10:30 “AFM as a tool to characterize contact interactions for dense suspensions”, Chiao-Peng Hsu, Shivaprakash N. Ramakrishna, Joydeb Mandal, Nicholas D. Spencer and Lucio Isa
10:30 – 10:40 “The Darcytron: A pressure-imposed device to probe the frictional transition in shear-thickening suspensions”, Cécile Clavaud, Bloen Metzger and Yoël Forterre, Reading: JOR
10:40 – 10:45 Short questions block 1
10:45 – 10:55 “Experimental test of a frictional contact model for shear thickening in concentrated colloidal suspensions”, Yu-Fan Lee, Yimin Luo, Scott C. Brown, and Norman J. Wagner, Reading: JOR
10:55 – 11:05 “Shear Thickening and Jamming of Dense Suspensions: The “Roll” of Friction”, Abhinendra Singh, Christopher Ness, Ryohei Seto, Juan J. de Pablo, and Heinrich M. Jaeger, Reading: PRL
11:05 – 11:15 “Tuning the shear-thickening response of fumed silica suspensions”, Philippe Bourrianne, Vincent Niggel, Gatien Polly, Thibaut Divoux, Gareth H. McKinley, Reading: arXiv
11:15 – 11:20 Short questions block 2
11:20 – 11:30 “A hydrodynamic model for discontinuous shear-thickening in dense suspensions”, Mu Wang, Safa Jamali and John F. Brady, Reading: JOR
11:30 – 11:40 “Roughness induced shear thickening in frictional non-Brownian suspensions: A numerical study”, R. V. More and A. M. Ardekani, Reading: JOR
11:40 – 11:45 Short questions block 3
11:45 – 12:00 Roundtable Discussion by discussion leaders
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
Session 2 – July 9th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM Statistical Mechanics Framework, network formation, fluctuations
Discussion Leaders: Heinrich Jaeger, Romain Mari and Poornima Padmanabhan
1:00 – 1:10 Theme Intro by discussion leaders
1:10 – 1:20 “Fluctuations at the onset of discontinuous shear thickening in a suspension”, Omer Sedes, Abhinendra Singh and Jeffrey F. Morris, Reading: JOR
1:20 – 1:30 “Localized transient jamming in discontinuous shear thickening”, Vikram Rathee, Daniel L. Blair and Jeffrey S. Urbach, Reading: JOR
1:30 – 1:40 “Investigating the nature of discontinuous shear thickening: Beyond a mean-field description”, Jetin E. Thomas, Abhay Goyal, Deshpreet Singh Bedi, Abhinendra Singh, Emanuela Del Gado and Bulbul Chakraborty, Reading: JOR
1:40 – 1:50 “Stress fluctuations and shear thickening in dense granular suspensions”, Qin Xu, Abhinendra Singh and Heinrich M. Jaeger, Reading: JOR
1:50 – 2:00 “Particle dynamics predicts shear rheology of soft particle glasses”, Fardin Khabaz, Michel Cloitre and Roger T. Bonnecaze, Reading: JOR
2:00 – 2:10 “Distance to jamming dictates shear thickening strength”, Shravan Pradeep, Alan Jacob and Lilian Hsiao, Reading: arXiv
2:10 – 2:20 “Rheology and structure of dense colloidal suspensions in confined flow”, E. Barcelos, S. Khani, A. Lee, J. Peet, Joao Maia
2:10 – 3:00 Roundtable Discussion by discussion leaders
Session 3 – July 10th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Constitutive Models, non-linear models, hysteresis, normal stress
Discussion Leaders: Gareth McKinley, Peter Olmsted, and Rahul Chacko
10:00 – 10:05 Theme Intro by discussion leaders
10:05 – 10:15 “Impact induced hardening in dense frictional suspensions”, Pradipto and Hisao Hayakawa, Reading: arXiv
10:15 – 10:25 “Soft and highly sensitive pressure sensor arrays for a local normal stress measurement in complex fluids”, Anais Gauthier, Mickael Pruvost, Olivier Gamache and Annie Colin”
10:25 – 11:30 Short questions block 1
10:30 – 10:40 “Dilatancy in dense suspensions of model hard-sphere-like colloids under shear and extensional flow”, Ricardo J. E. Andrade, Alan R. Jacob, Francisco J. Galindo-Rosales, Laura Campo-Deaño, Qian Huang, Ole Hassager, George Petekidis, Reading: arXiv
10:40 – 10:50 “Pressure-driven flow and jamming of dense suspensions in channels”, Ryohei Seto and Masao Doi
10:50 – 10:55 Short questions block 2
10:55 – 11:05 “Modeling stress relaxation in dense, fine-particle suspensions”, Aaron S. Baumgarten and Ken Kamrin, Reading: JOR
11:05 – 11:15 “Constitutive model for shear-thickening suspensions: Predictions for steady shear with superposed transverse oscillations”, Jurrian. J. J. Gillissen, Chris Ness, J. D. Peterson, Helen J. Wilson and Michael E. Cates, Reading: JOR
11:15 – 11:20 Short questions block 3
11:20 – 11:30 “Unifying viscous and inertial regimes of discontinuous shear thickening suspensions”, Junhao Dong and Martin Trulsson, Reading: JOR
11:30 – 11:40 “Shear thickening in dense non-Brownian suspensions: Viscous to inertial transition”, Y. Madraki, A. Oakley, A. Nguyen Le, A. Colin, G. Ovarlez, and Sarah Hormozi, Reading: JOR
11:40 – 11:45 Short questions block 4
11:45 – 12:00 Roundtable Discussion by discussion leaders
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
Session 4 – July 10th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM More Complex System, geomorphology, soft particles, viscoelastic suspensions
Discussion Leaders: Chinedum Osuji, Itai Cohen and Ruel McKenzie
1:00 – 1:10 Theme Intro by discussion leaders
1:10 – 1:20 “Permanent shear localization in dense disordered materials due to microscopic inertia”, Vishwas V Vasisht, Magali Le Goff, Kirsten Martens, Jean-Louis Barrat, Reading: arXiv
1:20 – 1:30 “The role of friction in the yielding of adhesive non-Brownian suspensions”, J. A. Richards, B. M. Guy, E. Blanco, M. Hermes, G. Poy and Wilson C. K. Poon , Reading: JOR
1:30 – 1:40 “Rheology of visco-cohesive granular flows”, Farhang Radjai, Thanh Trung Vo, Saeid Nezamabadi, Patrick Mutabaruka, and Jean-Yves Delenne, Reading: Nat. Comm.
1:40 – 1:50 “On the viscosity of adhesive hard sphere dispersions”, James Swan
1:50 – 2:00 “Formation of stable aggregates by fluid-assembled solid bridges”, Ali Seiphoori, Xiao-guang Ma, Paulo E. Arratia, and Douglas J. Jerolmack, Reading: PNAS
2:00 – 2:10 “Variations of the Herschel–Bulkley exponent reflecting contributions of the viscous continuous phase to the shear rate-dependent stress of soft glassy materials”, Marco Caggioni, Veronique Trappe and Patrick T. Spicer, Reading: JOR
2:10 – 2:20 “Pipe flow of sphere suspensions having a power-law-dependent fluid matrix”, Nicos S. Martys, William L. George, Ryan P. Murphy and Kathleen M. Weigandt, Reading: JOR
2:20 – 2:30 “Excess entropy scaling for soft particle glasses”, Roger T. Bonnecaze, Fardin Khabaz, Lavanya Mohan and Michel Cloitre, Reading: JOR
2:30 – 3:00 Roundtable Discussion by discussion leaders